Dove of the Desert United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Dove of the Desert has a very active Mission Committee.  We are fortunate that missions have always been a priority of the church and are supported in the church budget.  We always are looking for new mission opportunities and mission committee members. 


Each year, Dove adopts several families in need to ensure that they have a merry Christmas. Support for the family includes gifts for the children, and grocery gift cards for the families.

Brad Riner Assistance Office

The Dove congregation participates in several clothing drives each year to provide weather appropriate clothing for the clients of the Brad Riner Assistance Office at First United Methodist Church in Glendale. We also provide food items and cash donations for their food pantry.

Habitat for Humanity

Dove of the Desert is a member of the Mighty United Methodist Coalition, a group of valley Methodist churches. This coalition provides money and labor to build new homes with Habitat for Humanity.

Justa Center

The Justa Center is a day shelter that targets the needs of the elderly homeless. We support this by donating items monthly that are requested by the shelter. The Justa Center helps an average of 8–10 people each month transition out of homelessness.

Raise Right (formerly SCRIP)

Through the Raise Right program, you can purchase retail gift cards that are used just like cash. You can use these cards to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, entertainment, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our church's general fund. Buy physical gift cards on Sundays, or download the Raise Right app to earn anytime! 

Souper Bowl of Caring

Souper Bowl Sunday is an annual national community outreach program with funds directed to a local project. The program began in 1990 with a simple prayer from an associate youth pastor: "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat." Parishioners are asked to place donations in soup pots as they exit the sanctuary on Super Bowl Sunday. These donations are given to a local food pantry.

UMOM New Day Center

The mission of UMOM is to provide homeless and low-income families with food, shelter, and tools to build a bridge to self-sufficiency. Dove supports the efforts of UMOM through cash and in-kind donations. These donations include back-to-school clothing and supplies, as well as household items to replenish kitchenettes in the temporary apartments as families move to permanent housing and take the previously donated items with them. Members of the Mission Team also sell Christmas Cards to benefit UMOM.

Mission Trips

Dove has recently sponsored mission trips with monetary donations as well as work teams to many areas, including the Navajo Reservation, Louisiana, Mexico and Nicaragua. Through these trips, the Dove teams have brought comfort and improved living conditions to many.

Global Ministries

Each year the mission committee donates funds to global organizations such as Compassion International, Health Wagon, Heifer International, Hope for the Homeless, and Hope 4 Kids International.

Lunches for First Responders and Front Line Workers

When our community was first affected by the pandemic, the Dove congregation donated almost 2,000 sub sandwiches and chips to front line workers, including ER and ICU medical teams, police, fire fighters, grocery workers, postal workers, caregivers, COVID testing and vaccination staff, and elementary school staff. We hope to continue thanking these types of essential workers with surprise lunches.

Special Offerings

Each year, Dove of the Desert participates in special offerings encouraged by the United Methodist Church. These special Sunday offerings include: Human Relations Day, UMCOR, Native American Ministries, Peace with Justice, World Communion Sunday, and UM Student Day.