Sunday Worship Welcome MinistrySunday Worship Welcome MinistryWelcome those coming into Sunday morning worship services. Usually a one Sunday per month commitment. Sign up to serve as a greeter, parking lot attendant, usher, or welcome center contact. Email Peggy Burtt for information or assistance. 8:00 am Worship Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4BA9AB23ABF5C07-800 9:30 am Worship Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4BA9AB23ABF5C07-930 11:00 am Worship Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4BA9AB23ABF5C07-1100 GreetersWelcome those coming into Sunday morning worship services. Usually a one Sunday per month commitment. Parking Lot DutyHelp monitor the church parking lot during worship services. Commitment only one shift per month. Shifts: 7:30-9:00 am; 9:00-10:30 am; or 10:30 am-12:00 noon. UshersGreet congregation and assist with seating during Sunday morning worship services. Welcome CenterStand at the Welcome Center to help answer any questions an attendee may have. Usually a one Sunday per month commitment. Welcome Table Check-InCheck in worship attendees, welcome visitors and answer general questions.