Dove of the Desert United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Music Ministry


Music Director: Greg Ramsey - 
Choir Director: Javier Rodriguez - 
Bell Choirs Director: Brent Fike -
Folk Group Leader: Karen Freeland -


Dove of the Desert is blessed to have a wealth of musical talent in its midst. From the grass roots sound of the folk group to the majestic voice of the Celebration Singers, the Dove Bell Choir to the upbeat, contemporary sound of the Praise Team, to the diverse array of vocal and instrumental talent of individuals in the congregation, the music at Dove enriches the worship experience for all ages.


Celebration Singers

(Under the direction of our Choir Director)
Performing a wide variety of traditional, sacred, contemporary and gospel music, the Celebration Singers mixed chorus brings its majestic voice to the 11:00 am worship service most Sundays. Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings from 6:30–8:00 pm.

Praise Team

(coordinated by Greg Ramsey)
Dove's contemporary worship service includes hand-clapping, toe-tapping contemporary praise music as well as spirit-filled worship songs from the heart. Multiple praise teams lead worship each Sunday, each bringing their love of God through music to the people of Dove. The contemporary service is every Sunday at 9:30 am.

Folk Group

(coordinated by Karen Freeland)
The Folk Group performs a variety of good ol’ down home folk music on the second Sunday of the month at the 8:00 am worship service. The group practices off campus on Mondays at 7:00 pm. Led by Grant and Karen Freeland.

Dove Bells 

(coordinated by Brent Fike)
Dove's hand bell choir rings out the praise! All are welcome to join regardless of age or experience. The Dove Bells choir meets on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm. We also have a hand bell choir for youth ages 6th-12th grade, which practices Sunday mornings at 8:30-9:30 am.



Halos Youth Choir – A Youth Music Ministry

(coordinated by Greg Ramsey)
The Dove youth choir offers our junior and senior high youth opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, development in the fine arts, and fun! The program focuses on four components:

Performance – Musical performances both at and outside Dove.
Mission Work – Providing opportunities for community service and outreach.
Devotions – Helping to nurture a personal relationship with God.
Recreation – We have fun!

Halos Youth Choir Mission Trip 

(coordinated by Greg Ramsey)
On this annual trip the Halos Youth Choir performs pop, swing, gospel, and contemporary Christian music, as well as sharing God's work through various community performances and volunteer mission work.


Dove’s energetic children’s choirs offer children the opportunity to grow both musically and spiritually, connect with other Dove children, and bless the congregation with their song. For more information, contact our Director of Music, Greg Ramsey.